
Ep 94 Common financial pitfalls that new teachers make

A lot of college graduates find themselves entering the professional world without a solid financial base. They have this newfound money that they’re working their butts off to earn, and they want to live it up and have fun. This is exactly what I did, and luckily, I managed to start saving for retirement. However,...

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Ep 93 Ways to reignite your passion for teaching when you want to quit

Many new teachers get to the point where they’re just DONE with their teaching situation, or maybe just teaching in general. While most of you are still excited about teaching since you’ve just started, there are still some of you that are already overwhelmed and just over it all and are wondering what to do...

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Ep 92 Common first-year struggles we all have

For new teachers, it can seem like they’re the ONLY ones having a tough time with a certain aspect of their teaching, and they’re often too ashamed or embarrassed to talk about it. These frustrations can really weigh on them and make them feel like failures. In this episode, I discuss the common struggles I...

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Ep 91 The right and wrong way to deal with angry parent emails

There isn’t ONE TEACHER who hasn’t received an email, phone call, or message from a parent who is concerned or upset about something that a teacher did. For new teachers (and veterans, too), this can be really intimidating or worrisome because not handling it correctly can make the problem worse. How can you respond without...

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Ep 90 What to do when you’re seriously behind on grading

As much as I’d like to think that I have my systems down pat after 18 years, there are STILL times when I get behind on my grading. This can be really overwhelming because it just piles on and it seems like you’re never going to get out from under it. New teachers find this...

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Ep 89 5 crucial steps to fix your lessons when they’re not working

No matter how much time we spend planning a lesson, there WILL be lessons that don’t work quite how we had anticipated. This is especially true if you’re a new teacher because you’re still figuring out lesson delivery and pacing, student engagement, and classroom management. But how do we handle this when we’re supposed to...

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Ep 88 How to set up your lesson planning for student success

Once the holidays hit, it can be a time of panic for teachers. With a quick glance at their pacing guide, they realize that they’re more behind than they’d anticipated. They ask themselves: Do I have enough time to cover everything I was supposed to? Am I on track? If I didn’t get to everything,...

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Ep 87 How to tackle organization when you’re naturally disorganized

Imagine if teaching only involved the part where you’re interacting with students. Things would be much easier, right? But the reality is that there are so many facets of teaching that pull at us, and unless you’re hyper-organized, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by it all. I know that there are many of...

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Ep 86 How Open Middle Math lessons can get your students addicted to math

Math tends to be one of those subjects that kids either understand and love or are completely befuddled by and hate. New math teachers often find themselves struggling between teaching procedures versus concepts. Unfortunately, there’s still a lot of controversy in terms of which way leads to greater student success. In this interview, Robert Kaplinsky...

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Ep 85 How to set yourself up for success with station rotations

In the last episode, we covered why teachers should incorporate station rotations into their teaching, the logistics of planning for them, and how they can help with differentiation and classroom management. But if you’ve done them in the past and they were a disaster, chances are you didn’t set them up properly. Today I bring...

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Ep 84 Why station rotations can positively impact your teaching practice

A lot of teachers have different strategies for cooperative learning or to facilitate more engaging learning experiences. One that most know of and not enough try is station rotations. I’d seen these done with various teachers and even dipped my toe in a bit, but I wanted to know more about how to do them...

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Ep 83 How new teachers can survive in difficult schools

New teachers come out of their practicum excited and ready to dive head-first into teaching. But they often run into the problem of trying to decide which schools to teach at, being a positive force for students with difficult home lives, and a long list of other serious issues. How do they know if a...

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Ep 82 What teachers can do to foster LGBTQ inclusivity in the classroom

New teachers often come into teaching already supporting LGBTQ rights and have good intentions to demonstrate this support but can fall short on implementation. How can they start eradicating cisnormativity and heteronormativity that has been institutionalized for many students? How can they create a safe space that goes beyond rainbow flags and stickers? In part...

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Ep 81 How to support LGBTQ educators and students in our schools

Even though it’s 2019 and it seems like there would be more acceptance and inclusion of the LGBTQ people, there is still a lot of work to do. And while I personally support those in the community, I wanted to know more about how I can do a better job as a teacher. So on...

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Ep 80 Teachers drowning in student loan debt can save so much money by doing this

Student loan debt is no joke, and it creates so much anxiety for just about everyone, ESPECIALLY newer teachers. Programs like Teacher Loan Forgiveness promise to help with this burden, but it barely helps to bring down the tens of thousands of dollars in debt that teachers have. And misinformation about the best way to...

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Ep 79 The best and least expensive way to pay off your student loans

The large majority of new teachers have some form of student loan debt are probably trying to figure out how they’re going to pay it off with their new salary. What if I told you that some of you could pay as little as $100 a month AND have all of your debt taken care...

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Ep 78 What you need to understand about why teens to act the way they do in your classes

Educators that teach teenagers have a unique challenge: their students want the same type of love and praise as before, but now they also want more autonomy. This means that the typical model of teachers setting the rules and students complying becomes more complicated as teenagers begin to question and challenge their teachers. What can...

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Ep 77 How to plan so you’re teaching everything you’re supposed to

For many new teachers, lesson planning ALONE is a huge source of stress and anxiety. Not only is there a billion other things to do as a teacher, but there’s the tiny detail of knowing how and what to plan. Yes, you definitely learned about it and even did some practice lesson plans. But now...

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Ep 76 How to upgrade your group work strategy

Many teachers have students work in groups on assignments, but there are also quite a few that limit it. They don’t like the potential for chaos and bad behaviors, so for the most part, they avoid it. However, it’s impossible to keep students on-task and in silence for an entire class period. Those students may...

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Ep 75 Why building strong parent teacher relationships is non-negotiable

One of your strongest and most helpful allies as a teacher are parents. They can rescue you when you need help creating materials for your class, volunteer to help chaperone events, and run fundraisers for your classroom. They can also question your teaching practices, make excuses when their child misbehaves, and go over your head...

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