Job Interview Series

Ep 57 How to highlight your strengths while answering any interview question

During an interview, it’s important to find a way to showcase our strengths. But how can we do it without necessarily bragging, and how can we do it in...

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Ep 56 How to answer authentically while still impressing in job interviews

New teachers looking for that first teaching job are often worried about their lack of experience when doing their first round of interviews. How can they talk about their...

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Ep 55 What to say in an interview when you don’t know the answer to a question

So you’ve sent in your resume, and finally got a call for an interview. AWESOME! You put on your most professional-looking outfit, walk in tall, shake hands firmly, and...

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Ep 53 Don’t forget to do your research before an interview!

When teachers prepare to apply for jobs, they polish their resume, many create a portfolio of curriculum and experiences, and most scour the internet for interview questions (which you...

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Ep 52 What you should say about classroom management in an interview

While you’re in an interview, a principal is trying to get a sense or whether or not you’d be a good fit for their school. They’ll want to know...

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