
Ep 114 Hacks for grading assignments fast when you’re falling behind

Are you a teacher who's feeling overwhelmed with grading? You're not alone! All teachers fall behind on grading at some point in their careers, and it can be a HUGE source of stress. But don't worry, there are ways to grade faster and catch up. In...

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Ep 113 How to get students to submit their homework

One aspect of teaching that frustrates literally EVERY TEACHER is students not turning in their homework. No matter what consequences or how much extra time you give, it seems like some students just REFUSE to do any work, let alone submit it! In this...

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Ep 112 How to cut your grading time in HALF

Teachers tend to spend HOURS of time grading, and especially outside of their work hours. Whether you're physically taking papers home or online, grading assignments is often the bane of all teachers. Surprisingly, there ARE ways to cut down on...

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Ep 111 Understanding student behavior in the classroom

Many students have been struggling with their behavior in the classroom since the start of the pandemic. Parents and students went through tremendous amounts of stress and anxiety, which caused a disruption in student behavior. It can be difficult to...

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Ep 110 How ChatGPT Can Transform Teaching

Are you tired of spending countless hours on lesson planning, grading, and answering emails? ChatGPT is here to change that! This cutting-edge AI technology can assist teachers in so many aspects of their job and make their lives in their classrooms...

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Ep 109 How your past experiences in school are hurting your teaching

Many teachers today can trace their successes and difficulties in the classroom back to their own experiences when they were students. Unfortunately, if those experiences were negative or traumatic, that can affect how they interact with their current...

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Ep 108 How to finally find happiness in teaching

A lot of teachers are truly dissatisfied and fed up with teaching for many reasons, but one of the main ones is student behavior. Students, their parents, other staff, and admin can definitely behave in ways that trigger us and make us want to give up...

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Ep 107 The truth about problematic student behaviors

Having difficulty managing behavior in the classroom as a newer teacher? This video explores how to break the cycle of cause and effect between student behaviors and your own. Learn to be honest with yourself about your presence in the classroom, as...

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Ep 106 No-brainer hacks for effectively teaching a lesson

In this video, I cover how to deliver effective lessons in the classroom. It covers how to explain concepts in a way that students understand, use lectures, have students read a text, watch a video, or solve a problem. If you've been struggling with...

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Ep 105 3 bad habits that kill student engagement

In this episode, I discuss three bad habits that are killing student engagement in the classroom and provide strategies for educators to improve learning experiences. I look at ways to talk less, be more engaging, and be more flexible and relatable....

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Ep 104 8 Uncomfortable Truths About Quitting Teaching

In today's episode, I'm discussing the pros and cons of quitting mid-year so that you can make an informed decision about whether or not to leave your job. I talk about the benefits of continuing to work through the end of the semester, as well as the...

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Ep 103 3 Activities to Do Before Any Test To Help Students Succeed

It’s that time of the year again – finals are quickly approaching and you have a limited amount of time to make sure your students are prepared. Preparing for any test can be an overwhelming task, but with the right strategies in place, it is possible to help your students succeed! In this episode, I...

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Ep 102 Why you’re not using state standards the right way

With the amount of pressure and things on their to-do list, many new teachers struggle with planning effective lessons. And while they probably have knowledge of their state standards, they’re not using them fully to their advantage. In today’s episode, I not only break down how I would study the standards but also how I...

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Ep 101 Planning a lesson that ensures student learning

So you’ve survived the first couple of months of school (or maybe you were just thrown in), and you’re figuring out what you need to teach. If you’re lucky, you’ve been handed a curriculum, but that doesn’t mean you know where to start. In this episode, I’m going to go through the lesson planning process...

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Ep 100 How to help SPED students and teachers during distance learning

The pandemic and distance learning have been difficult for both teachers and students, but especially our special education students. In this episode, I talk to Brandie Rosen and we discuss how teachers can support our SPED students online as well as how to simplify the IEP process. How to reach Brandie: https://iepsuntangled.com/ https://brandierosenconsulting.com/ https://www.instagram.com/teachers_love_learning/ https://www.pinterest.com/brandierosenconsulting/...

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Ep 99 I’m Back! Updates On Teaching and The Future Of This Podcast

It’s been months since my last episode, but I’m back. In today’s episode, I discuss where I’ve been, my thoughts and experiences on distance learning, and the future of the podcast. Got questions, feedback, or want to be on the show? You can email me at kim@teachersneedteachers.com Connect with me Subscribe to Apple Podcasts, Google Play Music, or Stitcher...

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Ep 98 Actionable strategies for new special education teachers

Being a new teacher is difficult for everyone, but SPED teachers have a unique set of challenges that most of us gen ed teachers never realize. Part teacher, part curriculum writer, and part parent liaison (among other things), SPED teachers wear many hats. In this episode, Brandie Rosen and I discuss not only the challenges...

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Ep 97 How gen ed teachers can support SPED students

We will all have special ed, or SPED students at some point in our classrooms, and we often feel lost in terms of how to support them. New teachers especially struggle since they struggle to know things like accommodations and IEPs. So I brought on special education expert, Brandie Rosen, and we discussed all things...

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Ep 96 How to create a self-running classroom using a classroom economy

As a new teacher, can you imagine how awesome it would be if your classroom basically ran itself so that you could focus on small group and individual instruction? There are obviously a ton of ways to get a classroom to run smoothly and to keep students engaged, but what if you could do it...

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Ep 95 How new teachers can invest in their future now and have big wins in retirement

In the last episode, we discuss how to pay off debt and save for an emergency fund, as well as the need for a budget, and today we discuss our financial future – which can be difficult for some to consider when they’ve got another 30 years of teaching to go! But it’s so important...

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