
Ep 35 We need to let go of all of the ‘shoulds’

It’s not unusual for a teacher to suffer from a case of the “shoulds” – a ubiquitous and harmful affliction that affects ALL teachers (ok…everyone). When images of Pinterest-perfect classrooms and abundant sharing on social media are paired with less-than-ideal student work or a miserable teaching environment, teachers start thinking about the things they should be doing….

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Ep 34 Why your students have the right to fail

This idea of students needing to fail, it seems counterintuitive, right? But what if it’s actually in the best interest of the student? Why should a teacher “allow” a student to fail a class? While teachers are charged with ensuring that all students learn and grow academically, there are times when it’s just not possible…

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Ep 33 You’re cheating yourself when you let your students get away with not doing any work

Every teacher is faced with one or several students each year who just refuse to do any work. No matter what they try, these students slouch in their seats and avoid all attempts to produce any evidence of learning. Many teachers give up on these students eventually and just let them fail. But what if they…

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Ep 32 How to tackle grading when you’re waaay behind

Do you have piles of assignments that need grading? Are you feeling overwhelmed by it? You’re not alone! All teachers find themselves buried in grading at some point, and it can seem like there’s no way out of it. While there’s probably no way around having to sit down and do the dirty work, here…

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Ep 31 How to personalize math and make it meaningful for students

Math teachers are tasked with teaching students concepts that they’ll use for life while also getting past students’ fixed mindset of, “I hate math, and I suck at it.” How can teachers keep students motivated and engaged in a Common Core world? Ray Steinmetz explains how personalizing learning, setting up strong systems for formative assessment,…

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