
Ep 44 10 reasons to stop hiding out in your classroom

It’s an understatement to say that there just isn’t enough time in the day for teachers to get everything done. There are emails to answer, assignments to grade, lessons to plan, and so much more. Naturally, many teachers use their breaks or lunchtime...

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Ep 43 How to get support when you have social anxiety

New teachers are repeatedly told to seek out help from their colleagues, but what if it’s really uncomfortable for them? What if they suffer from social anxiety and have a hard time talking to anyone at their school? How can they get the...

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Ep 42 How can you tell if your students are actually learning?

We often find ourselves slaving over creating lessons, only to feel deflated when it seems like our students didn’t understand the lesson at all. What’s going on? Is it the lesson? Is it us? Is it the students? How can you tell? Here...

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Ep 41 Using TpT, unannounced observations, & sub plans

Here are some questions I frequently see in teacher Facebook groups and on Twitter: I feel bad for using Teachers Pay Teachers. Is this a disservice to my students? How do others deal with unannounced observations? What are your go-to sub plans? Love...

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Ep 40 The first-year struggle is real, but you’re not alone!

When teachers are just starting out, they often feel like they can’t do anything right. Many well-laid plans go awry, they struggle with classroom management, and there’s always more to do than there are hours in the day. To make things worse, they...

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Ep 39 Six aspects of teaching that always need improvement

New teachers often feel stressed out and depressed their first few years. Aside from struggling with so many aspects of the job and worrying about job security and pay, they often feel like they’re doing a horrible job. Teaching is definitely tough and...

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Behind the mic

I'm your host, Kim Lepre

The Teachers Need Teachers Podcast is here to help beginning teachers ditch the overwhelm and anxiety of teaching. Get ready to feel capable and control of your teaching without giving up your evenings and weekends!

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