Ep 6 Classroom Management doesn’t have to suck

Thinking about and dealing with classroom management is often a beginning teachers’ nightmare. Taking the time to have a crystal clear picture of your rules and consequences will help to improve student behaviors with each coming year.

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  • What are your 5-7 rules? Are they phrased in the positive rather than negative?
  • What is the logical progression of consequences when students don’t follow those rules?
  • Have you clearly and concisely communicated your rules and consequences to both the students and their parents?
  • How do your classroom rules and consequences align with school and district policies?
  • What are you doing to build relationships with students so that you can minimize behavior problems?

Got questions, feedback, or want to be on the show?

You can email me at kim@teachersneedteachers.com

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3 comments on “Ep 6 Classroom Management doesn’t have to suck
  1. Amy says:

    Great advice, Kim! Thank you.

  2. Rasa Conklin says:

    I’m a 12 year teacher and I still enjoy listening to your Podcast on teachers give teachers. Even with that many years it is always great to reflect and think about what it is that I’m doing just as if I am a first or 2nd year teacher. Thank you for all your great stuff.

    1. Kim - Admin says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words Rasa, I’m glad you enjoy my podcast! Please let me know if there’s anything you’d like me to discuss or feature on the show!


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